About Me

A clinical psychologist implementing evidence-based practice. A Ph.D. specializing in behavioral economics. A researcher committed to generating long-term impacts.

I investigate individual differences in decision-making processes through a general discounting framework. The insights gained from my research will have a broad socio-behavioral impact and application, including identifying novel therapeutics for addiction interventions.

Research Agenda

When faced with large-to-infinite possible hypotheses, theory can reduce that space and offer explanations we might not consider based on the data alone.

  • Examine Reinforcer Pathology Theory
  • Model Complex Choice Behaviors
  • Identify Determinants in Addiction
  • Develop Novel Therapeutics
  • Forecast Tax Policy Impact
  • Improve Scientific Rigor

Featured Articles

Why Study Delay Discounting?

Steep delay discounting is associated with problems such as addiction. However, delay discounting is not simply an indicator of cognitive functioning or impulsivity.

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